Game crashes while playing mini-game portal combat. Please fix the bug that causes this problem!!
Game crashes while playing mini-game portal combat. Please fix the bug that causes this problem!!
Great play and lot of fun!!!
My favourite game on the iPhone. I think that sums it up ;)
Must play! Credits :)
Best game ever!!
Hate that <missing> please update it
I can not play the game everywhere shows up <missing>.
Please remove new error on every button <missing> please make it the best game ever again :(
Its a great game. It always was. But I dont get why Im shown an ad in a game I BOUGHT. (I understand there need to be ads in free apps, but damn, I paid for this game)
On Polish iOS app displays <missing> instead of all labels.
On every button "Missing" --- Please fix that :)))
Game crashes at second playthrough at mission 2.6. Last stand endless doesnt save and resets every time.
Игра вылетает при перестроении порталов в мини игре Portal combat. A game closing out when I playing to mini-games Portal combat.
Everything is good, but when I play portal combat level, game crashes.
Everything in Zen garden disappeared after this update!!! And paid puzzle levels too!!!!!
All the Garden, some games and so on. Don update!
Game stops every time at the moment, when portals in mini game are relocating. This bug hasnt been fixed since release.
Game crashes in the mini game «portal» at rebuilding portals. Last version, iPhone 6 iOS 9.2
PvZ crashes in a mini game Portal Combat when portals start to relocate. Please fix!
Pls fixed this error, thanks for game!